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Friday Update 4-19-19

Blessed Portion Friday Update 4-19-19

John 18:4-6 "Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"

Jesus of Nazareth," they replied.

"I am he," Jesus said (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.

Again he asked them, "Who is it you want?"

"Jesus of Nazareth," they said.

Jesus answered, "I told you that I am he.If you are looking for me, then let these men go."

Hello Everyone-

Thank you to Amber Gaskill, Tracy White, Trademark Title, Seth Bennett for all your hard work in preparing a huge Easter dinner!! It was a lot of work but so much appreciated and many were nice and full!!!

At our first stop the "little one" I am trying to get to stop hating me was bribed with a chocolate bunny and even that didn't work!! Oh the feisty little Jamarie...not sure how to spell his name Cheyenne York? Anyways I am losing my touch it seems but he still got his bunny!! Also got to see little Landen- its been awhile and he isn't so little anymore I suppose. Cierra Braden Schroeder came as usual and said again she didn't want food just wanted to give a hug and say hi!!! ( I know your reading this Cierra Braden you!)

It was windy and chilly tonight and many took off early to get a head start. Saw our friend Jim who still makes the walk each week down in his thin green jacket!! I dont know if any of us would know what to think if he didn't wear that thin thing, but he says he isn't cold as log as he keeps moving!!

Saw a couple of old friends later on in the evening. Again as we have said before it's bittersweet to see people after so long. We are thankful though they have a place to go and get back on their feet and finish what they started. Met up with a friend who asked some hard questions. He asked if God is good then why did his child, and fiancee die? Why is a family member also dying? HARD questions for sure and there are many things we dont have answers to. He shared how he has been so angry with God and has said some pretty awful things to Him. Shared also though that he does believe in God and wants to make sure he will be in heaven, but there is so many thoughts in his head. Anger, hurt, loneliness, and yet there is a softness in his heart and a part that wants to surrender it ALL over to Jesus....but that is also scary and I get it.

So many have had some MAJOR things happen in their lives just as I and our team has. Those things that you think "Ok God--really?" Those thoughts that make you wonder if God is really good or not....and yet we live in a fallen world. A world that is full of evil and good. A place where people die, people get sick and tragedy happens. Thankfully there is a place that is perfect with no sadness or tears that we have the opportunity to go if WE choose and that is Heaven. For our friend please pray as he is conflicted. It's hard to let go of so much hurt and anger and trust in God who you feel could have prevented it. He's a good person and I believe God is moving in his heart or we wouldn't even be having these pray for him.

We talked tonight about the verse in this post. How that when Jesus said "I am he" the crowd fell backwards!! They didn't make themselves fall down, nor did anyone in the crowd cause the was at the sound of the Great I am. Jesus in that moment allowed Himself to be KNOWN and the Bible says we all will fall down and worship Him. Those men had to have wondered when they stood back up as to what happened and why. Did some think "Maybe this IS the Messiah?" The Bible doesn't say, but I love this passage and it also reminds us that Jesus WILLINGLY went to the cross. He WILLINGLY let them take Him. His voice and His presence caused them to fall down which shows his power and majesty...aren't you so thankful that He loved us enough to endure the beatings, mocking, crucifixion? Hopefully our friends tonight learned a little more about the power of Jesus Christ . We all shared in communion together to remember what price he paid for us.

Tonight the tangible items we went through mostly were socks, mens boxers, and shoes. We are needing more of these items and we are so thankful for you who donate!!! We gave out several pairs of shoes and to see the thankfulness is truly a blessing, so thank you everyone.

Thank you to our church Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit, Hamilton Church, Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Christina King, Jacquie Aldrich, Amber Gaskill, Tracy White, Trademark Title, Steve Bennett, Olivia Ghent, Rebecca Ghent, Kerry Ghent, Adrienne Clark, Trinity English Church, Mjs Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness,

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