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Friday Night Update

Hello Everyone,

Tonight was as you all know..... COLD!! When we started the night, someone asked, “Where is no one coming out to eat?” Next thing you know there is a line...and thankfully we had a hot meal from Tracie White and Tammy. At one point I looked at the serving line and as the food was being plated up you could see the steam from how hot it was and that made me smile. Knowing that your friends had a hot meal made it worth being out in the cold.

The big request was blankets and we gave out all we had....we are OUT!! If anyone has some comforters, or blankets not being used, please consider donating them for our friends. They do not need to be new, just in good condition. We also need hand warmers...we gave out all of those.

We also at 13th Step House said goodbye as one resident was able to go home. When we first met him, we somehow got on the subject of the game Scrabble. From that night on, every Friday he would have the game set up for him, Mandi, and myself and we would play till our time was up. We learned a lot about him, why he was there and what he has learned. This Friday we decided to have a small trophy for the last game, and he won!! Was happy to give it to him. He says he and his wife may come up for meetings on Fridays and see us...we will see. Either way, we are so glad we met and were able to know him better. Pray for him as he re-enters his life.

Next Friday promises to be even colder than this one so pray for those who are outside, there are plenty of people who are. Thank you for thinking of us and donating each week. We have Pathway Community Church and the old Mjs business in Garrett as our drop-off sites. We usually pick up on Thursday to prepare for Fridays.

Thank you again so much.

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