Friday Update
Blessed Portion Friday Update for April 8, 2022
Hello Everyone:
Tonight, the weather was still chilly, but we had several come down and visit. We had a nice hot meal prepared by Tracy and Tammy- thank you ladies for making such a warm hot meal and for serving so well! There was specifically made extra so our friends at 13th Step House would have some weekend food-very appreciative of that!
Found out one friends disability papers are going through and he should be getting it all dialed in soon. His papers were accidentally mailed to the wrong address, but at least he knows the process is going through!! Had several people come down that we haven’t seen in a while, and it was nice to catch up. Happy to see one friend have his work lanier on….he is making good money and were so happy for him.
Tonight when we circled up to pray we read a devotional from the Jesus Calling book which talked about the distance that can be felt between a person and Jesus. The devotion shared how that when or if that happens it’s because of us….not God. How we can tend to move away from God and shut ourselves off from Him, and that is never good. We need Jesus to help us in every situation each day and it was a good reminder. One of our friends also shared his devotion from his Bible app he gets every day, and then he led us out in prayer. We sure love him!!
We also had a huge class from Indiana Wesylan College join us as we set out on the last part of our night. A great group of people who were eager to help in any way they could. There were a few people in some spots and thankfully we had just enough to go containers and some bananas to give out.
Also want to thank a new volunteer named Jamie who gave our friend Dave a ride to his job. Jamie saw that Dave was going to be riding his bike to work around 9:00 pm so he took him and his bike and dropped him off. What a nice gesture!!!!
Thank you everyone for supporting us and most of all for praying for this ministry and those we serve. Seems there is always a new story we hear and new faces. Tonight, we found out that our lady friend who we haven’t seen since last year is now totally blind. Cannot imagine how hard this is for her. She is older than many we know, and she needs a lot of prayers.
Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit, Chris King, Mr .Schwartz, Joanne Emerick, Todd, Michael, John, Abby, Rochelle,and all of you who continue to help us!! Have a great weekend everyone and invite someone to church this Sunday. Maybe offer to pick them up and buy them a coffee or lunch after….never know it may just change their life forever and just possibly yours as well.