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Friday Update For 11-19-2021

Hello Everyone,

Tonight, we had turkey potpie from Hallmark Mortgage, and it was yummy! We had the exact amount needed and were so thankful. It’s very heartwarming to see many people come together for a cause and make it happen over and over again.

Tonight, was no different than last week in that the number one request was coats, gloves, and hats. Thankfully we had enough and it’s nice to know people are warmer when you leave than when you first got there.

Each week we take time to hear if anyone has any good news and tonight, we heard some. One of our friends has had some major health issues the past year or so and has lost his toes on one foot. Tonight, he was in his usual foot boot and yet happy and smiling. He has been in a nursing home rehab, and said he knows God put him there to share the gospel. He was able to lead someone to Christ and let me tell you he was so happy! He said he is looking forward to seeing who else will let Jesus into their life. As he shared this story, I was thinking how our friend never complains about anything even though he has reasons he could if he wanted to. I thought about how I can complain about the smallest things and was convicted that I don’t always see FIRST how God could use the situation for His glory. Our friend said he knows that he knows God has allowed him to be there at the right time and he is right. It’s so interesting to learn from others don’t you think?

Another friend was pretty upset as he is trying to stay sober and do the right thing. He shared how hard it is when the people who should love and support you don’t. How family should be the people that stick with you, cheer you on and for him that is not the case. It’s hard to hear someone just not want to live because of their current situation. Towards the end of the night, I think he was a little better and hopefully he goes next week to get his meds refilled and can get regulated a little more.

We also ended the night by going into 13th Step house and was able to visit for a little bit. We met some new people and heard their struggles and pain. Someone always has it worse than we do, and tonight was a good reminder of that. A good reminder to pray for people. To take the time to hear their story and rejoice when they rejoice and to cry when they cry. To remember that the Bible says there is a time and a season for everything and there will be different seasons. That gives us hope that there will be days of laughter and peace. Times of just rest. It’s also important to remember God created us for community with one another…it’s not good to do life alone. We need others to learn from. We need the accountability and the relationships…and we need to be the people that we want in our life.

Going on Fridays is way more than giving out a jacket and a meal…trust me when I tell you that our team is learning as we go. We’re learning from others about our own struggles and weakness and were learning more about God through those we serve. We can’t fix anything or anyone, but we can show love and kindness and help people know that we care! Thank you for being on our team. Those of you who pray for our friends, for the ministry, and for us. Thank you to those who make sack lunches each Sunday, and those who drop off items each week to help support what we’re doing…we do this TOGETHER!!!



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